It’s used to control a USB serial device(Arduino, ESP32, ESP8266, Srial servo and so on) with graphical user interface. The user interface is built with html and JavaScript and it can be customized through web browser. With this app you can easily create a beautiful, functioning interface for your Microcontroller Projects. No struggle for display, button, power source. JavaScript is very easy to use, you can do the logic with JavaScript and let microcontroller to do the basic functions.
它用于通过图形用户界面控制USB串行设备(Arduino,ESP32,ESP8266,Srial伺服等)。用户界面使用html和JavaScript构建,可以通过Web浏览器进行自定义。有了这个应用程序,您可以轻松地为您的微控制器项目创建一个美观,功能的界面。没有显示,按钮,电源的斗争。 JavaScript非常易于使用,您可以使用JavaScript执行逻辑并让微控制器执行基本功能。